A gift box for a friend in a recycled fruit container with organic produce - the garlic was bought on my trip home in NSWHello fellow sustainability searchers
I can't believe it is a month since I left my little piece of paradise - Noosa Forest Retreat and the world that was the PDC.
What I have learned since then is that I can do little things most days that may not change the world but they change my world - mostly for the better. I had a quick trip to New Zealand and stayed in the Mt Manganui area where the wind breaks are truly permaculture on steroids - the climates they have created allow fruit trees to flourish in a coastal environment. Who knew I knew so much!!
Windbreaks - hundreds of them - new and old creating micro climates - amazing.
I have - not necessarily in any order, managed the following;
- Started a compost bin in my back garden - the gentleman who does my lawn mowing has an organic fertilizer business - Goode Organics and he was so pleased with the bin he GAVE me a packet of Volcanic Rock dust (pictured) to boost the compost. It is International Compost Week so if you have not already started a compost bin - get to it! Thanks for the gift Bayley. He can be reached at :Goode Organicswww.goodeorganics.com.au.
Thanks Bayley - Continued with a plant based diet with eggs and cheese thrown in as I just love them.
- Continued with an alcohol-free drinks diet - have a had a few moments but so far not desperate enough to have a sip
- Still feeling very well and full of energy - even when I have had a few sleepless nights I have bounced back in far better shape than I used to.
- No eggs at Easter - it wasn't actually that hard and I have not had lollies etc either - no cravings which is surprising
- Made a decision to use up all my cosmetics, home and beauty products before I replace them all with biodegradable and earth friendly products - waste not want not is my new motto.
- I am still crotcheting - thanks Marion!
- I am back at work in a really good role for a 16 week contract - I enjoy working and they have a vegetarian menu in their cafe so lunch is a breeze.
- I have found a produce market in the next suburb with vegies that are chemically free and locally grown - so I know where my fresh produce is coming from - so delicious.
Vegan enchiladas with Cashew Sour cream - yummo - I love hearing from the PDC gang and hope to catch up with Victor for a coffee soon.
Much love and many blessings to you all