1 min read
13 Mar
So I published the website!!!

Having spent a while deliberating on whether or not to publish the blog I, have now pressed "publish" and lo and behold nothing dramatic happened - the emails didn't fly through the air, the likes didn't come rushing in and frankly there was no notice taken - good for the nerves, not so good for the ego!!

Today has been spent going to the airport with my beloved cousin to farewell him yet again as he returns home after a quick visit.  A truly lovely man - proud to call him a friend.

I have also purchased the first of many Eco friendly products - the place I am going to spend time at requires all personal products to be biodegradable and no meat products or alcohol or drugs to be taken onto the property.   Finding said articles at an affordable price has not been easy but I now have an all purpose body, hair and clothes wash which will be trialed in the coming weeks - I'll let you know my thoughts on their efficacy and their  loveliness.

Starting to get a bit anxious as 18/3 draws nearer.  Need to start packing soon and gathering the last of the required items - sketching pencil amongst other things.  Also need a floor cushion which is harder to find than I imagined - Strange! Who knew.  

Happy days.