About Me imageAbout Me imageAbout Me image
About me
I'm Wendy - I am in my third act - older, wiser and so grateful to be here and to have the opportunity to live a more sustainable life. I have three great loves in my life - my family, my friends and my dog. not always in that order.
I have had a great career in Human Resources and for the most part love every minute of it. But, in 2019 I attended a 2-week residential Permaculture Design Course in Noosa and it changed my life. I also finally became a classroom teacher in my third act - what a joy. The permaculture journey is found in the Japan 2022 tab - hidden quite well due to my tech issues - but the rest is pretty sequential.

The web page name "Strange! Who Knew? derives from my maiden name - Strange - and my constant cry of Really? when faced with interesting or challenging information.

The curveball that was/is Covid certainly changed my world as I am sure it did for everyone. The change for me came in 2020 when I finally took the step to realising the dream of becoming a bona fide Classroom Teacher. I resigned my HR role after navigating the hazards of Covid in aged and community care - pre - vaccines. Hardest job I’ve ever done fyi.

I was a CRT - Casual Relief Teacher - for a few months and then in May 2021 took the plunge and became a full-time temporary teacher at a small rural school in NSW - who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Tony and I relocated for 8 months to Temora and had the best time. I taught in primary and secondary classes and enjoyed every moment. Tony - not so much. Who knew the Astra Zenica vaccine could have such a devastating impact and is still lingering today?

May 2023
No surprise to anyone that I am back working in HR and have a side hustle as a Casual Teacher. Living the dream - doing what I love
Just off on a 2-month adventure with Tony. Testing the long travel option as we deal with the long covid fallout

May 2024
Strange! Who knew that I would still be working in HR 4 days a week - the big change is that I am not teaching this year. Still enjoying and grateful to be employed. Off on another adventure in June.