1 min read
17 Nov
The last Shrine and a thousand steps to get there.

What a great end to our pilgrimage. We caught a local bus to the base of the mountain and climbed a 1000 steps or more to the last shrine. Well worth it as it is old and beautiful and stands close to a new temple.  Both are in view of the largest waterfall in Japan. A stunning backdrop to this ancient site. The trees are breathtaking and mostly very old. Quite a humbling experience.
We had an unusual lunch in a small local eatery. Lots of tofu and bean paste in odd shapes.
A 4 hour coastal train trip took us to Osaka for our final night. Very scenic in perfect weather.
We had our last group meal in a local food court sitting on the floor and enjoying good food and good company  we leave for home tomorrow after an exhilarating experience  

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