What a day - I am learning as much about Permaculture as am about my own thought processes, belief systems and biases. We are really being challenged about our world view and how we ascribe thoughts and emotions without perhaps considering both sides of the equation. Not without coincidence that my Sufi quote is very much on the theme of meeting in a field beyond right and wrong doing.
Highlights reel
1. The generosity of the group in sharing their knowledge and insights
2. I am in a great small group - three of us are preparing a concept plan for a women's shelter in the Solomon Islands. One of the team is living there so we are going to develop the plan and who knows - it may make a difference.
3. We also have a tree project to do - we are working on the coconut palm - who knew there was so much to learn. We have to draw it to scale on a small piece of paper - challenging!
4. We ended the evening by going to a concert in the form of a talent evening in the Cooma town Hall . What a great effort by so many to put on a show.
Strange Sister Wisdom
Cooma Town Hall Concert