We started our day under the mango tree in the sun - it was really cold overnight but the sun warmed us quite quickly. Our lecturer had found a dead possum on the road and brought it along for show and tell for the compost - only on the PDC.
Our next guest lecturer was the President of the Queensland Mycellium Society and he was a fun guy - lol. Another staggering amount of information on how important fungi are - the largest living organism is a fungus system. Strange! who knew!
We then heard from another guest lecturer on urban permaculture and again the work being done in urban environments is amazing especially in Australia.
I have included pictures of the study area today - my chair in the veranda lecture room, the lecture room under the mango tree and the spider who joined us in the study as we worked on our projects. Last day of preparation tomorrow and we have an evening presentation as part of our assessment so I am off to my room - please God let the spider not have followed me around. BTW pl go back to yesterdays post and watch the you tube video - my editor Verity noticed there were no links to the DVD - it is an American guy who has transformed an urban block.
My study chair
Mango Tree Classroom
Our study companion