Today we focused on all aspects of soil - types, erosion, degradation, regeneration and I got to play with clay. All in the name of science. It has rained on and off all day and the 5 am downpour was torrential. I was really worried about our tent community but they were fine.
We had wonderful food again today and I have had to start asking for less as our activity has slowed and I just don't need so much fuel. So far I have had limitless energy and I have not felt tired even though my sleep quality has not been the best. There may be something in this vegan world. Talking about vegans my young friends have advised me that in Germany there is now a vegan bio-degradable condom available - you can order them with your Uber eats meal. Strange! Who knew?
One of my new friends has been crocheting since she arrived and promised to teach us all how to crochet. I had learned years ago but could not hold a candle to my Mom, sister or sister-in-law and, my fine motor skills have never been that good. Well, today was the day and I have started to crotchet again, Snail speed but hopefully I will improve.I checked on our swale again today and it is doing what it was designed and built to do - store water.
The Share harvest mentioned in yesterdays blog is actually the Spare harvest - thanks to my sister Verity for picking it up. We have watched some amazing videos and you tube clips and I will share them with you in later blogs - I have left my notes in my room and I am too tired to find them.
Strange sister Wisdom
Soil testing