What a day! From morning until evening we were immersed in permaculture detail - perm - permanent and culture from agriculture. Who knew!
Our classroom is on an outside verandah and this morning we were serenaded by some very clucky chickens. I had a hand massage while I listened to the lecture and at lunch I could not find my fork so a colleague suggested i eat with my hands as it was much more enjoyable. So I did and it was.
This afternoon we went on a garden walk to a community member who has spent the past two years building his permaculture environment with his wife. The before and after photos tell the story and they both work full time. What generous and caring people they are. We ate a tasty aubergine snack made that afternoon from their garden.
Our dinner was another vegan smorgasbord - who knew it could taste so good - the fact that it has all been prepared by a loving cook is probably half the reason. I have not craved anything - chocolate, alcohol or meat since I arrived here. I am also seriously considering the plant based diet and my evening massage person says no gluten for a while to ease the inflammation in my shoulder. Anything to ease the aches. Tomorrow is a 7 am start with a session on human movement - how to do what we need to do in the environment without hurting ourselves - I think that ship has sailed for me but I will be there with bells on.
I sleep tonight with a full heart - learning from such passionate crusaders is such a privilege and doing so in the company of like minded wanderers is comforting.
The land before permaculture
After permaculture
Strange Sister Wisdom