My heart skipped a beat when i saw the sign on the highway to Kin Kin. I found my way easily to the permaculture farm and was warmly welcomed by Tanya and Phil and the others. My room is spacious and comfortable and i walked around the garden in my bare feet - this a footwear optional environment!
The other participants have been arriving slowly with a few staying in the house and others camping. We all share the same bathroom so the morning showers should be interesting. From tomorrow there is full catering but it was byo this evening. I shared a house made pesto and chapattis made with home ground banana flour - quite delicious.
I am so looking forward to the course but right now a good sleep will do me - I am quite tired from my driving - strange! who knew an 1800 km trip would wear me out!
I James Taylored it for most of the way today - love the lyrics.
2. Found an old CD - Africa Calling - the first track was from an old musical Ipi Tombi - it brought me undone. I cried through Brisbane and only cheered up when I called my cousin Peter as I drove through the Sunshine Coast area where he lives.
Strange Sister Wisdom