1 min read
13 Jun

The travelling minstrels finally hit the wall!  Who knew travel could make you so tired!  We had a very slow start to the day but were mindful of the limited time in this beautiful city.  We stored our luggage at the station and set off to explore.     

We walked through a beautiful urban park and on to the historic designer emporium next to the cathedral.  Too beautiful and very expensive.  The locals dress to perfection with exquisite suits every where and elegant corporate wear very evident.

We had a late brunch at a cafe and then took the elevator to the terraces of the Milan Cathedral - Tony is still waxing lyrical about the construction.  It is magnificent and in the process of being restored.  To be so close to the spires and gargoyles was breathtaking - and very hot.

We then went into the cathedral itself.  Was not expecting the size and grandeur - it is colossal and quite Egyptian in proportion and in the size of the columns.

We pretty much faded after that.  Just loped from cafe to cafe as we waited the few hours to our late train to Florence.  I fell asleep on a stone wall outside the station.

But, thanks to Tony we were off at 7.05 pm on the train where we were served a lovely meal and drinks to fortify us on our way to Firenze.  We arrived at 9.15 and taxied to our studio apartment for our 6 day sojourn in all of our favourite Italian city.  Buona note cari amici.

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