1 min read
03 Jun

We hired bikes and after a shaky start - hotel hires are not state of the art - who knew? - we entered the world of cycling in the Netherlands.  Cars are a distant third to cyclists and pedestrians here.  The cycleways are wide and the cyclists fast and they ride on the wrong side of the road.  

We ventured into the city to the Goyer Windmill where we had lunch next to a canal and then cycled to the Maritime Museum where we looked through a Dutch East India sailing ship and had a virtual reality tour - quite wonderful.

From there we went to the Botanical gardens - with 15 minutes to closing time we were allowed in for free - entry fees seem quite steep everywhere.  I got to hug a few trees in this beautiful space.

We cycled home via a canal side pub and enjoyed a beer on the waterside.  Back to the hotel for a rest and then off to a funky restaurant/pub/reggae joint over the road and had burgers for dinner.  We decided to cycle back to the city to see the Red Light District in the evening.  It was packed with tourists and not the most edifying experience I’ve ever had - I am sure the girls feel much the same way.

Cycled home at dusk and fell into bed after another great day.

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