1 min read
10 Jun

We left Montreux early so we could have more time in Zermatt and hopefully catch a glimpse of the Matterhorn.  The train ride was very steep in places and the townS along the way seemingly geared for skiing and hiking all year round.

What was extraordinary though was the tiered farming - every available inch of land between the tracks and the mountains had layer upon layer of tiered fruit and vegetables plots.  So green and luscious and full of promise.  Not a lot of farm animals though.  Not sure where they keep those cows for all the cheese.

We arrived at Zermatt as the weather began to change and we could only see 3/4 of the Matterhorn which of itself was spectacular.  The cloud budged a bit later on the day and we saw almost the whole peak.

The cable car system with gondolas and ski lifts is like a spaghetti junction on a freeway - up and down all over the place.  We took the 3 stop option all  the way to the top - each section taking us higher up the mountain - summer skiers and hikers all using the lifts and gondolas to find the perfect departure point.

After waiting for ages in the frigid cold air we had to accept that the Matterhorn would not be seen today and we had a coffee in the restaurant and then ventured into another crystal palace which was event more spectacular and colder than the one in the Jungfrau area.

We decided that this was the perfect place to try a Swiss Fondue and at a great little restaurant we ordered the Cheese and Champagne Fondue - yumtious was the verdict.  It was followed by a plum dessert which also went down very well.  It has started to drizzle and our perfect summer weather is resembling  a wet winter.  Hopefully not for too long.

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