2 min read
27 Jun

We travelled from Lugano to Lucerne on the Gotthard Express- another marvellous feat of Swiss engineering.  The twists and turns through the mountains were breathtaking.  We stopped at a small town on Lake Lucerne and caught a ferry to the city.  It was a 2 hour sail with a very pleasant outlook and another lovely lunch.

Our luggage had been forwarded but had not arrived so we went straight to our hotel which really was around the corner.  It rained on and off for the rest of the day but we still managed to see the old covered bridge, the Lion Sculpture and the old city.  This was followed by. A delicious dinner of Fish Soup and beer.  We slept well and had an early start after our last hotel breakfast.  We caught the train straight to Zurich airport where we breezed through customs and although the plane was delayed it all went well     

We arrived in London and took an Uber to my brother and his wife’s home in Stoneleigh - just near Hampton Court.  So incredibly good to see them and their three boys - I feel so blessed to have been able o see them again. Gill’s lasagna finished off a memorable day for us.

I have always wanted to go tramping through the woods in the UK and I managed to do this at Nonsuch Park - a former summer home of King Henry 8th  A quick walk from Mike and Gill’s place.  I tramped all over the park and gardens which are just lovely - the squirrel video is my favourite!

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