1 min read
15 Jun

Who knew you get lost on a walking tour through Florence?  Well you can. As the tour group stopped outside the cathedral Tony wandered off to take a few photos. The tour - with me - walked on.  After I realised Tony was missing I began texting and calling him until I realised I had taken the backpack with his phone still inside. 

I hastily left the tour and walked back along the route we had come. Fortunately Tony decided to do the same thing. We met up at the starting point and headed back to our place.

After lunch Tony just fell in a head cold heap. It was raining so a good day to be unwell. I headed off to buy dinner supplies and got caught in a heavy downpour but just stood under a balcony with the rest of the Florentine crowd until the rain eased.

I went for a walk after dinner but it was still raining intermittently so I went home and started reading the Richard Fidler book Ghost City. 

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