1 min read
05 Jul

Yes dear reader. It has finally happened. Our dream cruise started on time from Amsterdam on the good ship Rotterdam.

We breezed through check in etc and have a great cabin where we have unpacked for 2 weeks. After a while on the road it is a relief not to pack up again for a while.

The journey to the ocean was calm and quiet. A few cold beverages were enjoyed. And then, who knew the weather could be quite so harsh in July? A bit too much rocking and rolling but we got used to it. A quick visit to the gym was just that - quick. Hard to focus when the boat is moving about so much.

We had a full day at sea and enjoyed getting to know our boat. Tony watched the Austrian Grand Prix live on a poolside screen and I found the library.

The sea was so rough they postponed the dance show so we watched a saxophone concert which was great. Sometime in the wee hours we made our way up a fjord and immediately the waters were calm. What a difference.

We arrived at Eidford with the weather still inclement. We strolled through the village to a lake and then took a guided bus tour to the largest waterfall in Norway. Or, so we were told. As the mist was down we could have been anywhere as we couldn’t see a thing. C’est la vie.

We did get to see the dance show which was a wonderful way to end the day.

Today we are in Skjolden the village at the end on the longest navigable fjord in the world. With the sun shining we had a late start off the ship and walked to a viewing spot to see a beautiful vista of fjords, mountains and farms. We took the long way back and the views were worth it. We took another stroll after a late lunch and are looking forward to the magic show this evening. Tony tells me we will be going to the early and the late shows!!!

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