3 min read
08 Jun

What a day. What a truly amazing day. To sit on my bed and look out on the Jungfrau in all her crisp white glory I feel blessed beyond measure. But I am getting ahead of myself. It has been a day where there aren’t enough superlatives to describe the majestic Alps and our journey to the top of Europe. 

It started with an early breakfast in the hotel - a 7am start so we could be on the 8.05 to Grindewald.  A glorious sunny morning and a sense of excitement in the air.  We then hopped - literally - onto the Jungfrau gondola for a cable care ride for the ages.  I didn’t have time to be nervous - it was so quick and so spectacular all I could do was be awestruck at the beauty of it all.

It took about 10 minutes to travel up the mountain and as soon as we alighted we made straight for the tower - up into the heavens we went and out into a snow covered wonderland.  Tony was sure the walk to a good vantage point was 30 minutes away so off we strode in the glaring sun.  Fortunately I had my asthma puffer and my trusty walking pole.

The uphill climb on snow was a new experinece for me  I nearly gave up but when Tony re-read the instructions and it was a 45 minute walk I thought I could do it.  Little did we know there was a mountain lodge with a restaurant waiting for us.  The climb to the base of the structure was ice covered and quite tricky,  We then had to swap our shoes for Crocs!  We had a lovely lunch of soup and cheese and a glass of wine surrounded by snow covered mountains - surreal seems to do the experience justice.

Down we went - it was slippery - I only slipped once - but the whole way down it was a challenge to stay upright.  It was a 5km round trip - who knew!

We then walked through the ice cave with ice sculptures before heading back on the cableway and train to Interlaken.  A truly once in a lifetime experience.

After a cup of tea at the hotel we strolled along the river and dipped our feet in for a cool down - then an electric storm started and we hurried back to our hotel where we enjoyed a Salad Nicosia and a cheeky red on the balcony of our room. I don’t think I‘lol hear the church bells tonight as I say a little prayer of thanks for a truly extraordinary day.


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