1 min read
14 Jun

This is for all my family and friends who love Florence. Our first day here has been chilled.  We are 200 m from the Arno river, 1.5km from the Ponte Vecchio and Pitti Palace.

We explored our little neaighbourhood and there must be 20 restaurants within 5 minutes of where we are - we had a late breakfast where my Italian lessons paid off as I ordered uno cappuccino and uno cafe Americana!!!!!!

We wandered through the green grocer and deli and found the local supermarket.  Then strolled along the Arno and marvelled at the Ponte Vecchio.  Lots of tourists on the bridge but in the side alleys it was quiet.

Enjoyed a late lunch in a sidewalk cafe next to a converted castle tower - the age of the buildings is incredible.  The traffic is something to behold - very congested all day.

We rested a bit and had dinner at home in our little Pensione - a joyous start to our stay.

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