We have had an inauspicious start to our holiday-a few misshaps in the air - Tony having hot tea spilled on hIm. The upside being his new favourite pjs - first class designer Trakkies whilst his trousers dried. I managed to get yoghurt all over me when I opened the tub and it literally burst open all over me - where are my pjs?
Waiting in the immigration queue was a new low These first world countries are getting a bit other worldly in their approach to passport control.
On the train to the city Tony was the designated bag watcher as there was no room in the carriages for luggage. Imagine my surprise when as we get to a station I see Tony falling and hitting his head on the cabin door with a very large man standing over him and yelling incomprehensibly at him. Fortunately he got off the train and no more harm was done. No help from the locals and a poor introduction to the city. I was more shaken up than Tony and we think either drugs or mental health caused the attack.
Happily our accommodation is lovely and we went to the Old Masters gallery this afternoon and then ended our day with that Belgian tradition - Japanese food at Wagamama!