1 min read
30 Jun

Well, it is now 13 days since my ignominious  fall from a train onto the tracks of the Valenca station in Portugal on what was the day before our bucket list Camino walk. 2 nights in hospital in Vigo, Spain a few X-rays etc and we were on our way with 3 broken ribs to show for my trouble!

The only restriction was to do almost nothing except gentle walking to recover over 6 to 8 weeks.  Not daunted, we taxied our way towards Santiago De Compastella over 10 days. What a comfortable way to make a pilgrimage - our luggage was forwarded as planned so all we had to do was eat, drink and walk gently.  

Mission accomplished.  We were treated kindly everywhere we went in this pristine and peaceful part of the world.  Santiago is a very spiritual place - not just because of the churches and relics but is has a feel to it that makes it special.  We attended the pilgrim mass in the cathedral and lit candles and gave up prayers of thanks for how lucky we both were in Valenca.

The below is a selection of photos of the time we were on this journey - and those who know me well, I truly give thanks to God for His amazing grace.

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